Monthly Archives: July 2015

EWTN Broadcast

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Sometimes you never really know where life is taking you. Of course, that would be a wrong statement. It should be— Sometimes you never really know where God is taking you. God has a plan for us all. We can and often do tell God, “Nah, I don’t want to go there.” Or perhaps, “No, I can’t believe that.” I know I used to put miracles into the “hmmm” category. I wouldn’t necessary deny them, but I’d rather just not think about. As far as the Eucharist, I believed in the Real Presence, but I made no attempts to really investigate the reasons one should believe. One could call it a cultural belief, after all we were Catholics and were taught to believe it. Yet that would not be true either. There has always been a draw to the Eucharist. I believe it is the reception of the Eucharist that has kept the Church together all these years. It is the union that is the glue for the Church. I remember Fr. Blomberg in high school asking me and 3 or 4 other boys how we liked his sermon. To be honest the sermon didn’t matter to us (not that we didn’t like his sermon). It really didn’t even matter which priest said Mass (unless there was something really atypical about the priest). It was the Mass and the Eucharist It is so different with Protestant services. For most Protestants, it seems that it is the minister that is so important. If the minister doesn’t mesh with those in the pew, he won’t remain long. Communion is not at the forefront. The sermon is. For myself, doing the prep work for writing my book, my love for the Eucharist just deepened and deepened. I had simply followed where God had been leading me for sometime. When I was asked if I would talk about the Eucharist on Saint Joseph Radio Presents which is broadcast by EWTN across the country, I simply said “Yes”. I still don’t know where this is all going, if it is going anywhere or if it is just a short time in the sun where God is using me as His instrument. But all I can say is that since I decided to go back to school, get further educated in my faith and make faith the priority, my life has changed. I hope to continue to say, “Yes”.

Seeing the 2 Faces of Christ

A couple of weeks ago I was very fortunate to take a trip to Italy in order to see the Shroud of Turin Exhibition, and the then travel across Italy to the Adriatic sea in order to go to Manoppello near Pescara to see the Veil of Manoppello. The tickets to the Shroud Exhibition wereContinue Reading

A Catholic Introduction

Welcome to my first blog on new David Keys Ministries site. Yes that’s me to the left, getting a personal blessing from Pope Francis.  From my Bio, one can see that I did not have a routine path into the field of Theology.   I was raised Catholic, attended Catholic grade school and high school. AtContinue Reading